Jan 25, 2014

Getting ready for Bologna - Rebranding

As I've already mentioned a few weeks ago, this year at the end of March I will be attending the Bologna Children's Book Fair and I cannot start to tell you how incredibly EXCITED I am about this!!:D

It will be my first time at the fair, so I'm trying to gather as much info as possible in order to arrive prepared and don't leave with that horrible feeling of "ooooh if I knew that before". I hate that!

So I'm trying to plan everything out very carefully and meticulously. 
These are my three main priorities prior the fair:

-Portfolio and promotion materials
-Booking publishers meetings 

This blog post is about rebranding.  
Basically I just wanted to give a bit of a refresh to my general image. 
I had the same logo for a while and I felt it didn't really reflect the style of my work anymore. So I changed that with something more appropriate to what I do now. Hope you like it!:)
Consequently, I had to change the look of my twitter, blog, instagram, facebook, you name it. 

I also updated the portfolio on my website and changed my About page completely. This great article from zero2illo explains the reason why you should probably do that too, and basically how to get the most out of your about page. 

Also, I decided I would finally try to implement a mailing list form so that I will start sending out a newsletter regularly with updates about my publications. I think this could be useful, especially every time I have a book or an app coming out that I want to share with the world. 
So if you're interested in getting notified with my latest publications, you can sign up here.

Last thing I did was to add some clients testimonials on my website. I know, this could sounds a bit like a show off, but I often receive nice feedback from clients so I thought, what the hell, why not put them out there making sure other people can read it too. 
Sometimes shameless promotion is the way to go... 

PS= If you're an illustrator and you're going to Bologna, please let me know! I don't get the chance to meet other illustrators very often, so it would be good to meet a bunch of creative peeps! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope it went well!
    I'm also constantly trying to improve my portfolio, and I will have a look on your link you posted. Thanks! I also really like your new banner :-)
